
Priase For
Paths of Prophecy

The best way I can describe “Paths of Prophecy” is simply…OUTSTANDING! J. C. Eyler has created a complex, and beautiful world filled with engaging characters, political intrigue, and magic! The colorful detail that Eyler puts into his world, and its inhabitants is eye candy reminiscent of other great fantasy authors like Eddings, Goodkind, and Jordan. This engrossing story sets the stage for an epic tale that will sure to please! J.C. Eyler is my new favorite fantasy author!

—Juan V. M. Mendoza

An expansive new world and a compelling twist on magic usage, Eyler’s Paths of Prophecy is reminiscent of Rothfuss and Jordan and an unforgettable debut novel. You’ll fall in love with the rich and relatable characters and find familiarity in the overarching themes of revolution, political scheming, and the clash of those dreaming of a better world.

—Heather M. Smith



Aandari (On-DAR-ee): Boordish word for Headless. Loosely translates to, “one who steals another’s honor but can never attain it for themself.” See also Boorde, Headless.

Advanced Forms: Second degree of the Boorde Weapon Forms. See also Basic Forms, Boorde, Master Forms, Weapon Forms.

Ages of Torgier: The different periods throughout Torgeirian history. 1) Age of Arom (AA), known as the First Age, lasted from 1AA to 687AA. 2) Post Sacrifice (PS), known as the Second Age, arose after the Sacrifice that created the Blasted Lands. After the Sacrifice, the emperor declared that the empire had been reborn, and renamed the imperial capital New Torgeir. 3) After Prus (AP), known as the Third Age or Common Age. This Age arose during the Ormgeirr Rebellion, after Kestrad Corgan saved Emperor Bjarrik who’d been captured and taken to Prus. The emperor declared a new Age on the day he was saved. Years After Landing (YL) is also commonly referenced throughout the empire as the common age.

Alnazet (AL-naw-zet): Also known as the Light, Alnazet is the antithesis of Dra’Nahl, and is worshipped by Prytha. See also Pantheons, Prytha.

Alnazet’s Wreath: A protective barrier made from living vines, briars, and trees that surrounds every Sacred Forest. The Wreath prevents citizens, shapers, and anyone with ill intent from entering the Sacred Forests. See also Sacred Forest.

archon: Governor of an imperial city.

Army of Light: Army of Phaerians who believe Makayla Penfrost to be the Light from prophecy.

asking: Prytha magic; the name is derived from the manner in which Prytha magic functions—Keepers form an image in their mind of they want to happen, and then they ask permission from Alnazet, who will either grant or deny their request. See also Alnazet, Keeper.

Awaken: Awakening unlocks an individual’s genetic potential. An Awakened person’s ability to shape will also amplify; however, it will not give a person the ability to shape.


Basic Forms: First of three levels of the Boorde Weapon Forms; also known as the Basic Sword Styles or Basic Styles: Vis’mar, Tezrel, Chelt, Sodat, and Os’om. They are the first five Forms learned for any given weapon. All Boorde are instructed in the Basic Forms. Traditionally, male Boorde learn the sidaiyo, female Boorde learn the djohai, and bimale Boorde learn either or both. See also Advanced Forms, Boorde, djohai, Master Forms, sidaiyo, Weapon Forms.

blademaster: Title given to a person who has mastered every Boorde technique in any given weapon.

Blailon: 1) One of the Five Kingdoms of Torgeir. 2) Capital of the self-named kingdom.

Blasted Lands: A large portion of land in western Blailon that was blasted during the Sacrifice. See also Great Uprising, Sacrifice.

blasting: The complete removal of the Currents of Power from an area, which in turn removes the potential for life and transforms the land into a white powder. Blasting occurs when a shaper syphons too much power for the Currents to replenish. See also Shaping.

Bone Theory: See Shaping.

Boorde (BOOrde): Characterized by their silky black hair, pale skin, diamond-shaped pupils, and love for meat. They normally stand taller than a human and are renowned for their skills with weapons and Firedancing. Boorde live in a matriarchal society, which is divided into Houses. Their homeland is called the Boorde Alliance, which is comprised of four large cities, and is lead by the Council of Flame. See also Council of Flame.


Cabal: Organization of Phaerian shapers. The official position of the empire is that the Cabal is nothing more than individual groups of Phaerians who learned to shape and who took up the name.

Cadet: Initiate in the Citadel.

Castantor (CAST-an-tor): 1) One of the Five Kingdoms of Torgeir. 2) Capital of the self-named kingdom; known as the River City.

Chelt: 1) In Boordish, ‘sodat’ is the sound of a burning log in a campfire. 2) Third of the Basic Sword Styles, or Basic Styles. See also Basic Sword Styles

chk’da (chk-DAW): Ancient and iconic weapon of the Prytha, traditionally made from ironwood by a woodsmith. A spike protrudes at an angle from a large ball, topping the end of an arm-length haft.

Chosen of Alnazet: Also called Mother’s Keeper and Will of Alnazet. Highest ranking Keeper of a Sacred Forest. See also Keeper, Prytha, Sacred Forest.

Citadel: Iconic home of the Vrath. Located in the Makers District, Citadels educate Cadets and train them to shape. The Citadel is divided into three branches—do’Vrath, ra’Vrath, and tii’Vrath. See also Vrath.

citizen: Any human born of two citizens and who bears the Imperial Shield (with exceptions for Sotouri). See also Imperial Shield, Sotouri.

comtab: A pattern-forged tablet used to communicate between linked comtabs, or tabs for short. Once established, a link can only be broken by destroying the comtab. Anything written or drawn on one comtab appears on any linked comtabs. See also Patter Forging.

Constable: Chosen by archons and kings to enforce imperial law in Phaerian towns. Constables oversee between four and six  Phaerian towns. Each town houses a thousand imperial soldiers, led by a do’Vrath officers who report to the Constable through comtabs.

Constable’s Gift: Yearly gift Constables give to the soldiers under their command. Traditionally, when the Constables receive the Imperial Allowance, they take a portion for themself, and then disperse to the rest to their officers and soldiers. See also Imperial Allowance.

cottlewomp: Herbivore known for its fluffy white fur; native to northern Blailon and Neuheim. Cottlewomp have thick white fur adapted to cold climates, and resemble a cross between a sheep and cow. They live in matriarchies called covens, consisting of 20–30 adults. Docile in nature, their only defense is a pheromone released when a cottlewomp is attacked. The pheromone drives the other cottlewomp in the coven into a desperate flight, which often tramples the youngest calves. Because of this, the expression “as cute as a cottlewomp” is often used to describe people who are far more dangerous than they appear, but with a clumsy undertone, while “sacrificial cottlewomp” is used to describe a person who’s always bearing the burden of others.


  • 1 crown (gold) 10 marks
  • 1 mark (silver) 10 pence
  • 1 penny (copper) 10 imperials
  • 1 imperial (bronze) 10 chips
  • 1 chip (steel)

Currents, the: See Currents of Power.

Currents of Power: A force of nature that flows over and through the land like the currents of rivers. Ironically; water is the only substance devoid of Currents. Certain humans can use their will to shape a portion of the Currents to perform magical feats. When an area is completely drained of the Currents, matter devolves to a fine white powder and loses its potential for life. See also Blasting, Shaping.


Dark, the: See Dra’Nahl.

d’Tormena (d-tor-MEH-nuh): Prytha insult for shapers; translates to “one who drains life.”

djohai (JOE-high): The traditional weapon of Boorde women and bimen meant to compliment a Firedancer’s flow. The djohai is a long cord affixed with a dart at one and, and a small hoop at the other end of the cord.

District, the: See imperial cities.

do’Vrath (DOUGH-Vrath): See Vrath

Dra’Nahl: Also known as the Dark. See also Pantheons.


ed: Boordish prefix given to Astasi. See also Astasi, Boorde, il, il’Spada, Shai’jan.

Emperor: Leader of the Torgeirian Empire


fingertalon: Name for Prytha talons; from 2–3 inches in length. Broken talons regrow over the course of few months, unless regrown by a Keeper. See also Prytha, talontongue.

Firedancer: Female Boorde with the innate ability to manipulate fire and heat. Firedancing requires harmonizing the body with the desired effect, which looks like a graceful and sometimes violent dance. Powerful Firedancers are able to harmonize their bodies without motion. Unlike other Boorde, a Firedancer’s dress has a strip of color that shimmers like fire. See also Boorde, ra’ku, ry’don, ry’ku.

Founders District: See imperial cities.


Great Uprising: (AA 675) Revolution of Phaerians against the empire that resulted in the ruination of northwest Blailon and the creation of the Imperial Paradigm. According to imperial records, the Great Uprising began when Archon Laceyl Granivin, the Betrayer, raised a Phaerian army to overthrow the emperor. See also Blasted Lands, Ensnarement, Sacrifice.

Guild, the: See Pattern-Weavers Guild.


Haldr’s Bowl: Mountain range in Meru’ut that cradles Lake Skjold.

headless: Mythological undead creatures said to have a sphere of swirling blue energy in place of their head.

Headwater: Hidden Phaerian village in Glaedia.

High Educator: Head of the Society and Quorum of Education. See also Meru’ut, Quorum of Education, Society of Education.

hogswoggle: Similar to “Nonsense!”; common in Phaerian towns in Glaedia and Neuheim, but has been heard as far as eastern Blailon.

house-tree: Prytha houses which have been grown in the branches of common trees (e.g., oak). See also asking.

Hrafnagud, Emperor (HRAF-naw-gūd): Emperor during the Great Uprising, who ordered the Sacrifice and led Prytha Eldests and Keepers to their death.

Hunter: Name townsborn Phaerians give to citizens disguised as Phaerians.

Hurian (HYUR-ian): Phaerian shaper in Makayla’s Army of Light.

Hymns of Tolrik: Hymns of the Phaerian pantheon.


Iaroca (EE-uh-row-kuh): Phaerian town in Neuheim.

il: Boordish prefix denoting the title ‘master’. See also Boorde, ed, il’Spada.

il’Spada (ill-SPA-da): Boorde blademasters. To acquire the title il’Spada, a Boorde must master the Weapon Forms from five different weapons, one of which being either the sidayo or the djohan. See also Astasi, Boorde, Sho’jan.

Imis Plains (IH-mis): A large expanse of plains that stretches from Central to Southern Neuheim.

Imperial Allowance: Yearly allowance of one copper penny, distributed to each Phaerian in the empire by the governing Constable. It is widely known and accepted throughout the empire that Constables keep most of the funds and distribute the rest to the garrison, which is known as the Constable’s Gift. The funds for the Allowance are based on an estimation of the Phaerian population in each town and not an official census; see also Constable’s Gift, Constable.

imperial cities: Tiered, conical shaped, and surrounded by a massive translucent wall called a Shining Wall. Each city is tiered into seven Districts. Special passes are required for lower-tier residents to move to higher tiers, though day passes can be acquired. See also Imperial Genealogist, Shining Wall.

  • Workers District: Largest and most populated tier. Residents are classified as low-class manual laborers, tradespeople (bakers, smiths, carpenters, etc.).
  • Makers District: Second tier and home of the Citadel and the courts. Higher class and quality laborers and tradespeople than in the Workers District, including jewelers, goldsmiths, silks, dyes, and other finer trades and merchants not allowed in the Workers District.
  • Steel District: Also known as the Barracks. Houses the military and city guard.
  • Bronze District: Lesser gentry, wealthy merchants, traveling merchants. Half of the Bronze District sits above the top of the Shining Wall.
  • Silver District: Mid gentry, perfumers, high-class traveling merchants, bankers, highly affluent.
  • Gold District: Gentry, merchant lords, bank lords.
  • Founders District: The topmost tier, where rulers and the most affluent reside. Climbing to the Founders District is all but impossible, almost all residents inherit their position. To reside in the Founders District, one must prove genealogical connection to one of the original Founders of the empire, or be declared a Founder by imperial decree.

Imperial Genealogist: Second in imperial authority to the emperor. Responsible for maintaining genealogical records of all Founders, including the emperor. Has the authority to declare a person to be a Founder, and also to remove a family from the line of Founders.

Imperial Shield: Also called the Shield, it is the marking that identifies a citizen. Placed upon the right temple, the Shield is shaped like a triangle capped at each point by a circle. Seals of imperial accomplishments, profession, and District are added to the Shield (Potential, Vrath, Workers District, Founder, etc.). The application of the Shield and Seals are tightly guarded by the Citadel.

Imutia (IH-MYOO-tee-uh): Imperial city in Glaedia, governed by Archon Rodak Toren.

Inaa’sa: Phaerian pantheon; goddess of order, daughter of Tolrik, sister of Meldun. See also Pantheons.


Jennia Numeriana (JEH-knee-uh • new-mare-ee-AH-nuh): Vrath instructor in the Nyatia Citadel. See also Citadel, Vrath.

Jouler Davanin (JOE-ler • DA-va-nin): Young Phaerian from Headwater.

Jubhax (YOOB-hax): City in the Boorde Alliance.


Kael Aelistair (KALE • AY-leh-stir): Potential in the Nyatia Citadel; strongest shaper in history.

Keeper: Title of Prytha who have the ability to ask, and who are tasked with the welfare of the Sacred Forests and their people. See also asking.

Kestrad Corgan: Boorde blademaster who saved Emperor Bjarrik from the Ormgier Rebellion.

Kralnach Hills (CRAWL-knock): Hills south of the Kralnach Mountains, bordering Glaedia and Neuheim. As a result of a legends that none return from adventuring into the Kralnach Kills, Upper-Tier citizens from across the empire take the challenge.


Laa: Phaerian god; mother of the god Tolrik. See also Pantheon.

Laceyl Granivin: Queen of Astrakane who betrayed the empire, and is the most despised figure in imperial history. See also Great Uprising, Sacrifice.

Life Tree: See ta’Ajiilee.

Light, the: 1) See Alnazet. 2) Figure from the Prophecies of Light and the Hymns of Tolrik, foretold to liberate Phaerians and destroy the empire.

Longing, the: The result of having one’s Shield removed, usually as a penance for treason or induction into the Sotouri; leaves the person with an eternal sense of loss and a longing to be whole. See also Imperial Shield, Sotouri.

Lost Postures: A series of Keeper Postures lost during the Ensnarement. The Postures of Growth, Decay, Life, and Death. See also Ensnarement, Keepers, Postures.

L’Veyna Elmhand (Luh-VEIN-uh • ELM-hand): Young ny-tein Prytha Keeper from Onatah.


Maelly Bodiou (may-EL-lee • BO-dee-oh): Founder, Phaerian sympathizer, and powerful shaper from Blrododok.

Master Forms: Highest degree of the Weapon Forms. The rank of il’Spada is conferred upon Boorde who learn the Master Forms for five different weapons. See also Advanced Forms, Basic Forms, Boorde, il’Spada.

Measurements (units of length):

  • Inch…………… Length of Emperor Droag’s (first emperor) last digit of right thumb
  • Hand …………. 4 inches
  • Span ………….. 9 inches
  • Foot …………… 12 inches
  • Cubit …………. 18 inches
  • Pace…………… 30 inches
  • Yard ………….. 3 feet
  • Furlong ……… distance a plow team could furrow without rest (~600 feet)
  • Mile ………….. 5280 feet
  • League ………. one hour of travel by foot (~3 miles)

Meldun (mel-DUNE): Phaerian pantheon; god of mischief (chaos), son of Tolrik, brother of Inaa’sa. See also Pantheons.

Meldun’s Mischief: Festival held in Phaerian towns and villages across southern Neuheim, Glaedia, and Castantor. Phaerians hold a large festival after harvest in order to trick the God of Mishief into attending the festivities instead of ruining the land for the next crop.

Meru’ut (MARE-root): 1) Officially called a Parliamentary Realm, it is one of the Five Kingdoms of Torgeir, and the only kingdom to allow same-sex rulers. Rather than rule the kingdom, the kings and queens of Meru’ut act as dignitaries and ambassadors. The Quorum of Education governs Meru’ut. 2) Capital of self-named kingdom, home of the Society of Educators and the Valkija. See Society of Educators, Valkuja.


New Torgeir: Name of the imperial capital. ‘New’ was added after the Great Uprising, symbolizing the new era of Torgerian rule.

Nilam Fronth (NIH-lam • FRONTH): Phaerian from Wandius.

ny’ir (nigh-EAR): See Prytha

ny’tein (nigh-TANE): See Prytha


Onatah (OH-nuh-tah): 1) Name of Sacred Forest south of New Torgeir. Home of Orenda, Prack, and L’Veyna. 2) Name of Prytha city in Onatah Forest.

Ormgeirr Rebellion (ORM-gear): Silver District nobleman Lord Ormgeirr led a small army into the Imperial Compound, kidnapped the emperor, and held him captive in Prus, until Kestrad Corgan led a group of Quads to free them.

Os’Om (osse-OHM): 1) Boordish for the raging torrent of an inferno. 2) Fifth of the Basic Sword Styles, or Basic Styles. See also Basic Sword Styles


paampus (paw-AUM-pus): long, tubular wooden instruments that emit a deep, haunting buzz-like call.

Paradigm, the: Imperial laws governing the Five Kingdoms. The Paradigm also defines Phaerian characteristics, such as mental and physical competencies, as well as customs for Phaerian interaction with citizens (e.g., Phaerians must first be given permission to speak, Phaerians must obey citizens without question, etc.), and punishments for breaking those laws. Every aspect of Phaerian life is covered in detail, from day-to-day activities, to the layout of Phaerian villages and towns, as well as religious beliefs and practices. See also Three Laws.

Pantheons: Phaerians, Prytha, and A’anxil worship gods.

  • Phaerian: Gods and religion were designed by the empire to help control Phaerian population. Gods are neither born nor are they created, and represent different aspects of existence. Lesser gods represent aspects of the greater gods.some text
    • Tolrik: Father of the gods, the Creator, Lightbringer.
    • Laa: Called the Mother, the Origin, the Dawn of Creation, and the First Light, Laa is the mother of Tolrik.
    • Meldun: God of mischief, son of Tolrik, brother to Inaa’sa.
    • Inaa’sa: Goddess of order, daughter of Tolrik, sister to Meldun
    • Surar: Goddess of chaos, daughter of Dra’Nahl.
    • Dra’Nahl: Brother to Tolrik, the Destroyer, the Dark.
  • Prytha:
    • Alnazet: The Light, Mother of All, Creator Divine, Light of Lights. She is the world, sun, moon, and stars, while her counterpart (Dra’Nahl) is the darkness in between. Alnazet created her only child, Tálise, as well as the Prytha.
    • Tálise: Son of Alnazet, represented by a large oak-like tree with a large dark hole in its trunk. There are three Tálise Trees, one in each Prytha forest next to the Mh t’Pralab. The Tálise trees are identical in appearance. They share a single life force and a single fate; whatever happens to one, happens to the others.
    • Dra’Nahl: The Dark.

patterns: Shapers shape the Currents of Power into patterns, which then accomplish feats of magic. Vrath patterns are sharp, angular, and rigid, with a specific design for the desired effect. Cabalist patterns are soft, curvaceous, and fluid, always changing in shape.

pattern-forging: Applying a permanent pattern to an item which imbues the item with a specific effect. It is important to note that patterns used for active shaping are different from patterns used to pattern-forge; some effects can only be attained through pattern-forging (e.g., hardening metal), while some can only be attained through active shaping (e.g., fireballs).

Pattern-Weavers Guild: A guild of imperial shapers who turn down a corded lanyard at the end of training at the Citadel, and instead pursue membership into the Pattern-Weavers Guild. The Guild, as it’s commonly know, focuses on discovering new patterns and pattern-forging techniques. The Guild is rumored know more patterns than the Citadel, as well as holding the largest trove of Forgotten Patterns within their Sacred Vault. See also Shaping.

Pegrans (PEH-grans): Phaerian village in east Blailon.

Phaerian (FAIR-ian): The Imperial Paradigm describes Phaerians as sub-human, witless, and incapable of coordinating everyday day-to-day activities without imperial guidance. Left to their own devices, Phaerians would lose all civility and revert to their primitive, savage ways. Phaerians work the land under strict imperial oversight, in order to provide the empire with its foodstuffs. Phaerians and Prytha are the original inhabitants of New Torgeir. See also Paradigm, Three Laws.

Phlem: Euphemism citizens use for Phaerians.

Potential: Cadets within the Citadel that show considerable power and aptitude with the Currents, especially in their range of influence and efficiency with shaping. See also Citadel.

prophecies, the: Written words from the Prophecies of Light or the Prophecies of Dark. See also Prophecies of Light, Prophecies of Dark.

Prophecies of Light: 1) Set of writings the empire created as a control measure to give Phaerians false hope.

Prophecy: 1) The entity that embodies the Prophecies of Light and Dark. 2) Short for Prophecy of Light or Prophecy of Dark.

Prytha (PRIH-thuh): One of the five races of Yrsa, Prytha are characterized by their long talons, eyes that shine like gems, and hair that changes color during the seasons, with skin tones that range from light to dark brown or green. Prytha are linked to a tree or plant (elm, spruce, dogwood, rosemarry, etc.), which passes through the father’s lineage. The type of tree or plant determines a Prytha’s hair color, which can range from deep greens to warm autumnal colors, depending upon the season. From the mother’s lineage, Prytha inherit their infamous eye color, which shines like a precious gem (ruby, amethyst, emerald, etc.). Prytha live within the Sacred Forests. Their societies are centered around ta’Ajiilee. Some Prytha live on massive platforms within the tree’s branches, while others live in housetrees asked within a common tree. See also house-tree.

  • ny’ir (nigh-EAR): Prytha who live in house-trees asked within a common tree (e.g., an oak). Most ny’ir are tied to evergreens or non-flowering plants like moss and ferns, which can be seen in their hair—dark green in the summer and light green in the winter. Their garb is generally more modest than that of their tree-dwelling cousins, preferring loose, sleeveless blouses with plunging necklines, and baggy trousers. They see their tree-dwelling cousins as arrogant and pretentious.
  • ny’tein (nigh-TANE): Prytha who live amidst the branches of the lifetree, in communities established on large platforms. Unlike their ground-dwelling cousins, ny’tein wear as little as possible, preferring bright shimmering colors that compliment their skin and eye color. They see their ground-dwelling cousins (ny’ir) as prudish, bland, and uncouth.


Quorum of Education: Governing body of Meru’ut, consisting of one hundred members and the High Educator from the Society of Education. See also High Educator, Meru’ut.


Rammond Idlehand (rah-MOND • EYE-dl-hand): Makayla’s childhood friend, and the first person she Awakened. Once a simpleton who could hardly count, Rammond’s Awakening blessed him with genius, allowing him to command Makayla’s Army of Light. See also Army of Light, Makayla Penfrost.

ra’Vrath: see Vrath.

Roach: Euphemism Phaerians use for citizens.


Sacred Forest: Also known as the Prytha Forests, there are four Sacred Forests across Torgeir—Onatah, Ehawee, Wichahpi, and Whawee. A Life Tree (ta’Ajiilee) grows at the center of each forest, which is home to the reclusive Prytha. The Currents around the Sacred Forests are notoriously turbulent, making shaping near impossible, and an impenetrable living barrier of vines, brambles, and trees surrounds each forest. See also Alnazet’s Wreath, Prytha, ta’Ajiilee.

Sacrifice, the: The Great Uprising threatened to destroy the empire. In order to help quell rebellion, the emperor ordered every Citadel to send its Vrath to the front lines of the war in northwest Blailon. The line of Vrath stretched from sea-to-sea along the border of Blailon and Astrakane. The cumulative power of the Citadel blasted land, and sunk the kingdom of Astrakane. See also Great Uprising.

Scourge: Prytha word for Headless. See also Headless.

Sentinel: Powerful Prythan Keepers are able to create golems made of plant life (e.g., vines, roots, branches, etc.). Sentinels are semi-sentient, able to receive simple commands and discern between friend and foe. Sentinels enter a rage when they see a Headless, and attack the undead creature with no regard for its own safety until it or Headless perishes.

Shai’jan (SHY-jan): An il’Spada who has taken upon an Astasi becomes the Astasi’s Shai’jan. The Shai’jan trains their mentor, guiding their Astasi through the Weapon Forms they mastered. See also Astasi, Boorde, il’Spada

shaping: The manipulation of the Currents of Power to produce magical effects. For reasons unknown, shaping extends the shaper’s life, allowing them to reach over two-hundred years of age. See also Currents of Power.

  • Bone Theory: The philosophical idea that a person’s soul resides within their bones. The idea derives from the fact that shaping can repair bones, but not alter their shape, length, or density. Citizens who can afford the fee pay for Vrath and Pattern-Weavers to alter their appearance, turning their skin white, changing their hair (color, length, texture, etc), erasing skin blemishes, etc.; however, shaping can’t change a person’s height, or regrow a missing limb. Proponents of Bone Theory also point to the fact that even the brain can be altered through shaping (size, density, structure, etc.); however, ever alteration of the brain has also resulted in altered personalities and traits.

Shield: See Imperial Shield.

Shield-Day: The day a citizen is given his/her Shield.

Shining Wall: The massive translucent wall that surrounds each imperial city. The walls are five-hundred feet tall and one-hundred feet wide, and were created to allow filter light. At night, the Shining Walls glow.

sidaiyo: Boordish word for the thin, curved blade known as a Boorde-style sword/blade.

Sigbjorn (SIG-b’yorn): The sword of the emperor, passed down through the line of succession.

skirters: Name given to Phaerians born outside of imperial controlled towns; see also townsborn.

snapping: Similar to pushing the body until it collapses from exhaustion, snapping occurs when a shaper uses the Currents until their mind snaps and the ability to shape is lost forever. Most snapped shapers lose their will to live. See also Shaping.

Society of Educators: Oversees education within each city, and chooses the Quorum of Education from within its ranks. To become a member of the Society, one must be an educator; however, not every teacher is a member. See also Meru’ut, Quorum of Education.

Sodat: 1) Boordish word for a wildfire that creeps over mountains. 2) Fourth of the Basic Sword Styles, or Basic Styles. See also Basic Sword Styles.

Sotouri: 1) The elite imperial guard charged with protecting the empire and destroying the Cabal. They also act as the emperor’s personal guard. Their Shields are stricken from their temples during their induction. 2) An individual who has been inducted into the Sotouri. There are three types of Sotouri: Blades—masters of weapons whose skills rival Boorde blademasters. Masks—the empire’s eyes and ears, spying on Phaerians as much as citizens. Spades—masters of the Currents of Power, and among the most powerful shapers in the empire.

Steel District: See imperial cities.

Surar : God in the Phaerian pantheon.  See also Pantheons.

Sverre (SVRR): (1) In Phaerian lore, the Sverre is a demon-wolf pack that eternally hunts the god Tolrik. When the Sverre catches the god, they will consume His body and the world will end. (2) The name adopted by a group of soldiers that serve under Rammond Idlehand. See also Army of Light, Rammond Idlehand.


ta’Ajiilee (tah-aw-jee-ee-lee): Massive trees worshipped by Prytha as a direct link to Alnazet.  See also Prytha, Sacred Forests.

talontongue: Prytha mode of communication using talons to tap and clack words and phrases. Each Prytha society has its own talontongue, which is unique to that society, i.e., Prytha from Onatah cannot understand talontongue from Whawee.

terrentor (tor-RENT-tor): Massive beasts that primarily roam the North and Northwest. Reachign twice the height of a man, Terrentors have four arms; two arms are massive and end in pincers, while the smaller arms (still larger than a human’s) protrude from the chest, ending in three fingers and a non-opposable thumb. The skin on terrentors’ face is thin and tight, and a mane runs down their back, concealing thick bone-like spikes along the spine. Terrentors are ravenous carnivores that travel in small pods, usually from three to five. Their expansive territory can cover over twenty leagues.

Testing, the: At twelve years old, every citizen is tested for the gift of shaping. Those with the gift are immediately inducted into the Citadel, where they spend the next eight years in academic studies and learning to shape the Currents of Power. See also Shaping, Citadel.

Tezrel: 1) Boordish for flickering flame. 2) Second of the Basic Sword Styles. See also Basic Sword Styles.

Three Laws: Founded off of research conducted by the Citadel. The Laws are believed to be fundamentally true for all Phaerians.

  • First Law: Phaerians are subhuman, only capable of simple verbal communication.
  • Second Law: Phaerians are incapable of self-governance.
  • Third Law: Phaerians are incapable of ethics and morality. See also Paradigm

tii’Vrath (TEE-Vrath): See Vrath.

Tolrik (TOLE-rick): Phaerian pantheon. Father of the gods, the Creator, Lightbringer. See also Pantheon.

townsborn: Nickname for a Phaerian born in an imperial controlled town.


Valkuja (val-KOO-zha): Meru’utian spy network. Unlike their counterparts, Sotouri Masks who are dedicated to preserving the empire and eradicating the Cabal, Valkuja are dedicated to Meru’ut, and mostly infiltrate and subvert imperial cities. See also Meru’ut.

vis’mar (vis-MAR): 1) In Boordish, vis’mar is the first flicker of flame. 2) First of the Basic Sword Styles. See also Basic Sword Styles.

Vrath: Imperial organization of humans that are trained to shape the Currents of Power. Vrath are organized into three classes and are characterized by the color of cord wrapped around their left shoulder:

  • do’Vrath (DOE-Vrath): Cord: black and orange. Officers in the town guard and army. Enforcers of imperial law.
  • ra’Vrath (RAH-Vrath): Cord: white and blue. Philosophers and scientists who study the mysteries of shaping, history, culture, etc. Ra’Vrath are the Citadel’s counterparts to the Guild’s Pattern-Weavers. See also Pattern-Weaver’s Guild.
  • tii’Vrath (TEA-Vrath): Cord: green and yellow. The Citadel’s Healers.


Weapon Forms: A collection of Boorde weapon techniques. There are three degrees of Weapon Forms—Basic, Advanced, and Master. See also Advanced Forms, Basic Forms, Boorde, Master Forms.

Workers District: See imperial cities.


ydu (eedoo): Sash worn by female Boorde. See also Boorde.


Zealots of Laa: Followers of the Phaerian goddess Laa; stereotyped by their unwavering devotion and self immolation. See also Pantheon.

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